SNAI Position Paper

Where to focus your advocacy efforts:

Please contact all republicans on the house education committee to support House File 575, a bill to eliminate the reduced priced category, making it possible that 23,000 students have no financial barrier to eat breakfast and lunch at school.  It doesn't hurt to contact all members, especially if a member serves in your congressional district.   

Representative Skyler Wheeler is the ranking member - get him on the horn.  Ask that house file 575 be assigned a sub-committee.  Leave a message if you can't speak directly with him.  

If you don't have time to email these folks, call them and leave a message.

Contact Senator Charlie McClintock about introducing a companion bill to house file 575 on the senate side.

We have power in numbers.  

Our deadline is February 19.  Please contact these folks this week.  Let's get the ball rolling on this and make it known that child nutrition programs are and need to be a priority.   

Students, parents, teachers, administration: if this matters to them, please ask them to do the same.  


Thank you!

Questions?  Contact Meg Brink: 712.899.2373.